Attend a Massage Therapy School
You can apply to a massage school in any state. Most schools will require you to be 18 with a high school diploma or equivalent. Because the licensing requirements vary widely between states, you should apply to a school that meets the requirements of the state that you plan to get licensed in. An in-state school will always work, but for an out-of-state school you’ll want to make sure that the school not only meets the requirement for total program hours but also meets any requirements for specific topics within the program, such as anatomy, kinesiology, ethics, etc. There is no need to attend an accredited school (except in RI). State requirements (and massage school programs) vary from 500 total hours (including CA, CO, ID, MI, NC, NV, TN, TX) to 1000 total hours (NE, NY), but most are around 600-700 hours (including AK, AZ, OR, MA, NM, PA, WA). If you think you’ll ever live in another state, it’s best to attend a program whose hours will be sufficient for most other states (think 750 hours) as it will be difficult to supplement hours later. To find out requirements for any state, go directly to that state’s website rather than any 3rd party website that may have outdated or incomplete information. For more info on choosing a massage school, check out The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a Massage School.