Deciding to enroll in a massage therapy program is a significant decision in ones life. We invite you to check out the following pages so you can make a more informed decision:
- Our Relational Bodywork Program page provides details about our massage therapy program.
- The Ultimate Guide for Choosing a Massage Therapy School
- Our FAQ page is also helpful in answering common questions.
- Our Why PCAB? page discusses why our program is unique.
- Tuition and Financial Support provides a comprehensive list of costs and options for reducing costs.
- Housing and Transportation
- Online Application
We do not have any prerequisites other than being at least 18 years old and a high-school/GED graduate. We are happy to set up a phone conversation to address any questions that you have and mostly for you to get a more personal, real-person sense of who we are and what the program is like. If you’re on-island we can meet in person. If you’re reading this in the Fall, send us an email to see what the status is.